• (852) 5281 9763
  • solution@anshin-riskmgt-hk.com

FWD Motor Insurance

MotorSmart Plus Insurance Looking for a reliable motor insurance plan at an affordable price? Choose from our third party plan for the most basic level of protection, or our enhanced comprehensive plan which has a range of benefits for you, your vehicle and your passengers.

Third Party Bodily Injury To protect you against legal liability for damages consequent upon accidental death or bodily injury to third parties arising out of the use of your motor vehicle.

Third Party Property Damage To protect you against legal liability for damages consequent upon accidental loss of or damage to the property of third parties arising out of the use of your motor vehicle.

Own Damage to Your Vehicle To protect you against loss of or damage to the motor vehicle resulting from any causes, such as collision, fire, theft and other accidental losses. No Claim Discount Protection No matter how many claims you make, if the total amount claimed within one year does not exceed HK$60,000 or 15% of estimated car value (whichever is the less), your No Claim Discount (NCD) entitlement will not be discounted. This will add up to great savings over the years !

For Further Process, Please Fill In The Enquiry Form Then Our Specialist Will Get Back To You Soonest.Thanks For Kindly Support In Advance.

Related Material To Be Highlighted

  • Download Full Product Brochure

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Please download and read the Full Product Brochure to have a general idea of the products. For details, please feel free to discuss with our licensed Specialist.

  • Download Policy Wording

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Policy wording is the terms and condition you are going to fix with the Insurer. Make sure you have read through them. For details, please feel free to discuss with our licensed Specialist.

  • Download Enrollment Form

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Should you interested in enroll to the captioned product after discussion with our specialist, please feel free to download the enrollment form and ready to proceed the further placement of the risk with our Licensed Specialist.

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