• (852) 5281 9763
  • solution@anshin-riskmgt-hk.com

AIG Professional Indemnity Insurance

We have Professional Liability insurance solutions that address the exposures faced by professionals in a variety of industries. We cover professions like: Accountants Architects and Engineers Business Process Outsourcing / Call Center Employment Agencies Insurance Brokers Management Consultancy Firms Multimedia Firms Property Managers Surveyors and Real Estate Teaching Organisation Technology Telecommunications Travel Agents Others - If you have other profession classes which do not fall within the above listing, please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more

Professional Liability Provides cover for: Any actual or alleged breach of duty Negligent act, error, emission, or misstatement Misleading statement Breach of warranty of authority committed in good faith Breach of confidentiality which occurs in the performance of or failure to perform Professional Services Defamation Provides cover for any actual or alleged libel or slander committed without malice by reason of words written, spoken or broadcast in the course of providing Professional Services. Intellectual property rights infringement Provides cover for an unintentional infringement of any intellectual property right of any Third Party, other than patents. Loss of documents Provides cover for damages due to destruction or damage to, or loss, distortion, erasure or mislay of a Third Party’s Documents for which the Insured is legally responsible, provided that the destruction or damage to, or loss, distortion, erasure or mislay of such Third Party's Documents. Dishonesty of employees Provides cover to the Insured (who is not the actual perpetrator) for any fraud or dishonest conduct of an Employee. Defence costs Covers reasonable fees, costs and expenses incurred by or on behalf of the Insured in the investigation, defence, adjustment, settlement or appeal of any Claim.

For Further Process, Please Fill In The Enquiry Form Then Our Specialist Will Get Back To You Soonest.Thanks For Kindly Support In Advance.

Related Material To Be Highlighted

  • Download Full Product Brochure

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Please download and read the Full Product Brochure to have a general idea of the products. For details, please feel free to discuss with our licensed Specialist.

  • Download Policy Wording

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Policy wording is the terms and condition you are going to fix with the Insurer. Make sure you have read through them. For details, please feel free to discuss with our licensed Specialist.

  • Download Enrollment Form

    Not Available Yet, please send your enquiry to us for details.

    Should you interested in enroll to the captioned product after discussion with our specialist, please feel free to download the enrollment form and ready to proceed the further placement of the risk with our Licensed Specialist.

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